Call for Papers
The Computer Science Department at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania is pleased to host the 38th Annual Spring Conference of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Science Educators (PACISE), a professional organization representing educators in institutions of higher education within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who are involved in courses or programs that are considered to be a part of Computer and/or Information Science.
The theme for this year's conference is Cybersecurity -- protecting our networks, devices, data, and services; however, submissions are not restricted to this topic. Topics in all areas of computer science, computer education, computer engineering, and related computing fields will be considered.
Submissions are being solicited in the following areas:
- Papers for peer review
- Posters
- Special sessions (birds-of-a-feather)
- Abstracts (for non-peer review consideration)
Please send your submissions to Dr. Liu Cui via email at by the end of the day on the submission deadline.
We ask faculty to encourage graduate and undergraduate students who are involved in research and large projects to submit their work for consideration.
Paper Submissions
Papers submitted for peer-review are to be no longer than ten pages and must be in MS Word (preferred) or PDF format. A complete draft should be sent no later than Friday, February 3rd. Author templates for MS Word and LaTeX are available to use as guidelines for submission. Initial submissions should not include author names, affiliations, or email addresses in the document. Please indicate whether you are submitting in the student-undergraduate, student-graduate or faculty category.
Conference registration by at least one author is required for publication in the proceedings.
Poster Submissions
Those wishing to make a poster presentation should submit an abstract as no later than Friday, February 24th. An abstract template is available to use as a guideline for submission.
Special Topic Proposals
Those wishing to propose special topics (birds-of-a-feather, workshops, etc.) should submit a one-page proposal in the form of an abstract no later than Friday, February 24th. A special topics template is available to use as a guideline for submission.
Abstract Submissions
Those wishing to make a presentation, but without submitting a paper for the peer review process, should submit an abstract as no later than Friday, February 24th. An abstract template is available to use as a guideline for submission.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Science & Technology Center 325
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3666
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3490 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Professor, Computer Science
- Name
- Robert Marmelstein
- E:
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3772