A Fax Station is established to provide faxing capabilities to a designated group of inter-building departments. The location of a Fax Station must be in a secure area that is also accessible to self-service use. The fax machine for a Fax Station will be purchased and supported by funds from the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration. A "key-operator" must be designated as the contact person to provide training on use, ordering supplies, perform routine maintenance, "trouble-shoot" the equipment and place service calls.

All requests for new or replacement of fax station units will be reviewed by the Director of Computing and Communications to meet guidelines and then, if approved, forwarded to the Comptroller for account code assignment. The funds will be taken out of the Vice President for Finance and Administration account.

Selection of the specific fax machine model from the manufacturer previously selected for ESU Fax Station(s) will be determined by the Director of Computing and Communications in consultation with end user.

  • Service contracts are not generally needed for Fax Station equipment due to cost, the reliability of units selected, availability of backup fax unit and reasonable repair time. If there is a need for a Service Contract, then the Department(s) will assume the cost.
  • Paper to operate the fax equipment is the responsibility of the Department(s) using the fax equipment.
  • Repair and ink cartridge for fax stations cost will be assumed by the university. For repair and ink cartridges contact the Office of Computing secretary for procedure.
  • The office of Computing secretary will follow up on the process to ensure it is moving along, and the fax unit is either installed, serviced or ink cartridge received at the Department housing the fax station.
University Fax Machines  Extension
Academic Affairs, Vice President 3519
Academic Computing 3012
Academic Enrichment & Learning 3898
Admission 3933
Alumni Relations 3301
Aramark 3765
Art Dept 3008
Arts & Sciences, College of 3949
Athletic Office 3306
Athletic Intercollegiate 3651
Athletic Training Education Program 3616
Biological Sciences 3724
Bookstore 3657
Business and Management, College of 3020
Business Management 3308
Business Office 3843
Campus Card Center 2993
Career Services 3609
Chemistry 3908
Child Care Center 3960
Communication Studies 3008
Computer Science 3490
Computing & Communication Services 3400
Conference Services 3918
Continuing Education & Summer Sessions 2874
Counseling/ Psychological Services 3042
Dance 3616
Dining Hall 3765
Diversity and Equal Opportunity 3912
Early Childhood and Elementary Education 3942
Economics 3190
Education, College of 3506
Enrollment Management 2866
Enrollment Services 2850
English 3012
ESU Foundation 3213
Exercise Science 3616
Facilities Management 3777
Field Experience & Partnerships 3650
Finance and Administration, Vice President 3456
Fine Arts Center 3008
Geography 3198
Graduate College 3711
Health Department 3848
Health Sciences, College of 3347
Health Services 3731
History 3937
Hospitality Management 3198
Housing (On-Campus) 3952
Human Resources 3450
Instructional Resources 3636
Intercollegiate Athletics (Koehler/Athletic Office) 3306
International Programs 3579
Learning Center 3898
Library Acquisitions 3159
Library Dean's Office 3457
Library Periodicals 3151
Mathematics Department 3899
Media Communications and Technology 3876
Modern Languages 3650
Movement Activities & Lifetime Fitness 3616
MSES (Zimbar) 3824
Multicultural Affairs 3897
Music 3008
New Student Programs/Orientation 2843
Nursing 3848
Office of Accessible Services Individualized for Students (OASIS) 3268
Orientation 2843
Philosophy & Religious Studies 7993
Physical Ed Teacher Certification 3824
Physics 3505
Political Science 3937
President's Office 3478
Procurement and Contracting 3232
Professional and Secondary Education 3942
Reading Department 3920
Recreation Center 2980
Recreation & Leisure Services 3015
Research and Economic Development 7951
Residence Life and Housing 3952
ROTC 3968
Sociology 3198
Special Education 3198
Speech Pathology and Audiology 3850
Sports Information 3586
Sport Management 3824
Star Program 3898
Stony Acres (570) 223-2689
Stroud Courier 3053
Student Activities Assoc 3420
Campus Life and Inclusive Excellence, Vice President 3410
Student Conduct & Community Standards 3023
Student Support Services 3898
Student Teaching 3650
Summer School 2874
Telecommunications 3400
Theatre 3008
University Center 3420
University Police 3677
Marketing and Communications 3846
University Ridge 2403
University Store 3657
Upward Bound 3432
WESS 3615

Contact Us

ESU's Computing & Communication Services administers and provides support for banner, computer labs, networks, telephones and voice-mail. Computing & Communication Services also provides help desk support at x3789.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Computing Center
(570) 422-3324
(570) 422-3400 (Fax)
Title of Department Leader
Communications Administrator
Beverley Brown
(570) 422-3730