ESU math faculty are highly trained and experienced educators and have published in at least one major area of mathematics.

- Name
- Olivia Carducci
- Title
- Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair
B.S., 1983, Saint Mary's College
M.S., 1985, Carnegie Mellon University
Ph.D., 1989, Carnegie Mellon University
- ocarducci@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3444
- Campus Address
- SciTech 126
I enjoy teaching mathematics from general education through upper level math classes. I am active in service learning and often have students presenting in the ESU Research and Creative Activities Symposium and other venues. I am a co-PI on the NSF S-STEM grant, Clear Path.
Teaching Interest
My favorite courses to teach are MATH 425 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and MATH 480 Operations Research. I love giving the students the opportunity to work in groups on projects and seeing what they can do. I also like teaching MATH 220 Discrete Mathematical Structures. I enjoy seeing students develop the ability to write proofs. When I took this course as a student, it greatly increased my love of mathematics.
Research Interest
My current research focuses on service learning, mathematical pedagogy, the science of success, and applications of stable matching.
I am co-PI in the NSF S-STEM grant to support students transferring to ESU from a community college and majoring in a STEM discipline. To date we have supported about 60 scholars and have a 90% retention rate. The first scholars will graduate in May, 2019.
Chair of the Math Department
University Wide Curriculum Committee
Service Learning Initiative Committee
Student Success Network
Publications & Presentations
Card Trick Exercise Leads to Improved Reading of Mathematics Texts, to appear in PRIMUS.
Sockman, B. R., Carducci, O. M., Clossey, L., Batson-Magnuson, L., White, G., Wehmeyer, A., Wells, H., Rauch, G. How Service-Learning Experiences Promote the University's Strategic Mission; Journal on Excellence In College Teaching (2018) 29 (1), 75-117.
Sockman, B., Clossey, L., Carducci, O., Green, B., Mangusson, L., Mawure, D., and White, G. Systems Thinking as a Heuristic for the Implementation of Service Learning in Higher Education, to appear in Systems Thinking and Change, major reference work, Springer/AECT
L. Bateson-Magnuson, O. Carducci, and L. Clossey Service-Learning. In M. Ball and P Pruim Eds. First Year Experience Reader. San Francisco: Cognella Press (2018).
Select Presentations: The Use of Card tricks to Discover How to Read a Math Text. Presented in the “Touch it, Feel it, Learn it: Tactile Learning Activities in the Undergraduate Mathematics Classroom” invited session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland, January 2019.
Green, B. A., Darsinos, J., LaBar, D., Carducci, O. M., & Jones-Wilson, T. M. Student Success and High Impact Practices: Translating Psychology Research for Greater Understanding. Presented at AACU’s Transforming STEM Higher Education. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2018.
Jones-Wilson, T. M., Carducci, O. M., & Green, B. A. STEM Transfer Readiness: Defining and quantifying the deficit, solving the problem. Presented at AACU’s Transforming STEM Higher Education. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2018.
L. Bateson-Magnuson, O. Carducci, L. Clossey, and B. Sockman, Service Learning: Explore the Possibilities, Provost’s Colloquium, East Stroudsburg University, March 2018.
Carducci, O. M., Jones-Wilson, T. M., Green, B. A. Bachelors Degree Completion Scholarships Activities Supporting Integration, National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students 16th Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia February, 2018.
Stable Matching Problems Admitting a Single Stable Matching, Midwest Graph Theory Conference (MIGHTY), Wright State University, April 8 - 9, 2016.
Mathematical Modeling and Service-Learning, New England SENCER (Science Education
for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities) Center for Innovation, Massachusetts
College of Liberal Arts, October 18, 2014.

- Name
- N. Paul Schembari
- Title
- Professor of Mathematics, Interim Department Chair
B.S., 1984, Long Island University
M.S., 1987, Syracuse University
M.Phil., 1989, Syracuse University
Ph.D., 1991, Syracuse University
- nschembari@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3661
- Campus Address
- SciTech 123
Dr. N. Paul Schembari is a professor of Mathematics at East Stroudsburg University of PA. He teaches most mathematics classes, especially Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and Statistics at all levels. His research is in areas of mathematics applied to computing.
Teaching Interests
Calculus and Differential Equations - Dr. Schembari has a Ph.D. in mathematical analysis so these fields are his expertise.
Discrete Mathematics - Dr. Schembari especially enjoys helping students learn how to write mathematical proofs.
Linear Algebra - much of this subject concerns working with vectors, an Dr. Schembari has applied this to computing research.
Statistics - because this subject has many applications to almost every academic field, Dr. Schembari enjoys helping students learn how to apply stats to their majors.
Research Interests
Dr. Schembari has worked on multiple areas of research during his years at ESU:
Fourier Analysis
Mathematics Education
Cybersecurity Education
Encryption Techniques
Hand Geometry
Network Intrusion Detection
Malware Detection
Dr. Schembari has served multiple communities:
ESU Tutoring Center
ESU Entrepreneurship
Director of the ESU Cybersecurity Program
Chair of ESU Computer Science
ESU Curriculum Committee
ESU Faculty Development and Research Committee
Student Group Advising
Dr. Schembari has been the adviser to the ESU Math Club - Euclid's Elements
Publications & Presentations
GDOM: Granulometry for the Detection of Obfuscated Malware, with J. Aruta. Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice: Vol. 2020: No. 2 , Article 2.
A Half-Rotor Cipher for the Classroom, PRIMUS, 30:5, 552-570, DOI: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1619003, 2020
From Student Research to Intrusion Detection, Information Security Education Journal, Volume 2, Number 2, 2016, pp. 57 – 67.
The Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Information Assurance Curriculum, with Mike Jochen, Proceedings of the 2013 Information Security Curriculum Development InfoSecCD Conference, 2013.
Using Information Assurance Curriculum Standards as a Basis for a Graduate Degree, with Michael Jochen, Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Computer and Information Systems Educators (PACISE) Conference, 2012.
Undergraduate Research in Computer Forensics, with Mary DeVito, Christine Hofmeister, and Michael Jochen, Proceedings of the 2011 Information Security Curriculum Development InfoSecCD Conference, 2011.

- Name
- Eugene Galperin
- Title
- Professor of Mathematics
B.A., 1993, Connecticut College
M.S., 1996, University of Connecticut
Ph.D., 2000, University of Connecticut
- egalperin@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3931
- Campus Address
- SciTech 122

- Name
- Jonathan Keiter
- Title
- Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., 1995, Wittenberg University
M.S., 1999, University of Connecticut
Ph.D., 2003, University of Connecticut
- jkeiter@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3870
- Campus Address
- SciTech 127
As a faculty member of the math department for over fifteen years, I have taught most courses offered with the exception of the statistics courses. My research is in low dimensional topology, mathematical art, and 3D printing of mathematical objects.
Teaching Interests
I enjoy teaching the whole Calculus sequence and the Modern Geometry course. I lead engaging class projects to explore all aspects of mathematics.
Research Interests
I pursue research in topology and geometry. I have investigated topics in mathematical art and 3D printing and laser cutting.
President of the PASSHEMA (state math organization)
Student Group Advising
Faculty Advisor of the Euclid's Elements (ESU's math club)

- Name
- Xuemao Zhang
- Title
- Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., 1999, Qufu Normal University
M.S., 2005, University of Windsor
Ph.D., 2011, University of Windsor
- xzhang2@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3441
- Campus Address
- SciTech 128
The primary duty of Dr. Xuemao Zhang is teaching Mathematics, Probability and Statistics. Besides Education, he is interested in the research of longitudinal data analysis and Bio-statistics. He has several publications in academic journals including Biometrical Journal, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, and Statistics in Medicine.
Teaching Interest
Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Statistics.
Research Interest
Estimating equations, Categorical Data Analysis and Generalized Linear Models.
Publications & Presentations
Zhang, X., Paul, S. and Wang, Y (2019). Small Sample Bias Correction or Bias Reduction? Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, to appear.
Zhang, X., Paul, S. and Li, D. (2016). Modeling Longitudinal Overdispersed Binomial Responses by Generalized Estimating Equations, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(10), 1912-1920.
Paul, S. and Zhang, X. (2014). Small Sample GEE Estimation of Regression Parameters for Longitudinal Data, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 3869-3881.
Zhang, X. and Paul, S. (2013). Gaussian Estimation of Regression Effects in Longitudinal Binary Data, Biometrical Journal, 55, 885-898.
Paul, S. and Zhang, X. (2010). Testing for Normality in Linear Regression Models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 80, 1101-1113.

- Name
- Kristin Noblet
- Title
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., 2005, Plymouth State University
M.Ed., 2012, Plymouth State University
Ph.D., 2016, University of Northern Colorado
- knoblet@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3442
- Campus Address
- SciTech 129
Dr. Noblet teaches mathematics education courses, such as MATH 431/531: Teaching Mathematics Using Technology and PSED 436/536: Teaching of Secondary Mathematics, as well as mathematics courses, such MATH 140: Calculus I. Her primary area of research pertains to preservice teachers' development of mathematics PCK (pedagogical content knowledge).
Publications & Presentations
Refereed Publications & Proceedings:
Noblet, K. (Accepted). Developing pedagogical content knowledge: Can tutoring experiences
be used to train future teachers? Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research
in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Oklahoma City, OK.
Green, B. A., Protzko, J., and Noblet, K. (2018). Assignments and Exercises for Students
for Statistical Concepts for the Behavioral Sciences, 2/e. Boston: Pearson.
Noblet, K. (2017). Preservice elementary teachers’ understandings of least common
multiple versus greatest common factor. In (Eds.) A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin,
M. Wawro, and S. Brown, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate
Mathematics Education. p. 779-786, San Diego, CA.
Noblet, K. (2015). Differentiating instances of knowledge of content and teaching:
Responding to student conjectures. In (Eds.) T. Fukawa-Connolly, N. Engelke Infante,
K. Keene, and M. Zandieh, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference on Research in
Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Pittsburgh, PA.
Noblet, K. (2014). Preservice elementary teachers’ understanding of number theory:
Connecting content knowledge to PCK. In (Eds.) T. Fukawa-Connolly, G. Karakok, K.
Keene, and M. Zandieh, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate
Mathematics Education. Denver, CO.
Noblet, K. (2013). Preservice elementary teachers’ understanding of greatest common
factor story problems. In (Eds.) S. Brown, G. Karakok, K. H. Roh, and M. Oehrtman,
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics
Education, Vol. 2, pg 227-233. Denver, Colorado.
Jackson, B., Rice, L., & Noblet, K. (2011). What do we see? Real time assessment of
middle and secondary teachers’ pedagogical content and sociomathematical norms. In
(Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman, Proceedings of the 14th
Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Vol. 4, pg 103-107.
Portland, Oregon.

- Name
- Christopher Dubbs
- Title
- Assistant Professor
B.S., 2011, Lock Haven University
M.S., 2013, Michigan State University
Ph.D, 2020, Michigan State University
- cdubbs@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3447
- Campus Address
- SciTech 125
Dr. Dubbs is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at East Stroudsburg University. His focus is on mathematics courses for future mathematics teachers, especially mathematics content courses for future pK-8 teachers (MATH105/205). His research leverages graph theory and philosophy to map, analyze, and critique the field of mathematics education research.
Teaching Interest
Dr. Dubbs is interested in teaching general education mathematics courses and mathematics content courses for future mathematics teachers (pK-12). His focus is on the mathematics content courses for pK-8 teachers (MATH105 - Problem Solving and MATH205 - Geometry) with an emphasis on complex instruction—the use of groupworthy tasks that both (1) engage with meaningful mathematics content and (2) address issues of status in the mathematics classroom to ensure all students have equitable opportunities to learn.
Research Interest
Philosophy and Ethics of Mathematics Education, LGBTQQ+ Responsive Teacher Education, Equity, History of Mathematics Education
Publications & Presentations
Dubbs, C. (2020). Whose ethics? Towards clarifying ethics in mathematics education
research. Journal of Philosophy of Education. doi: 10.1111/1467-9752.12427
Dubbs, C. (2020). Perturbations of the Sensible: An Atlas of Mathematics Education
Research. (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University).
Dubbs, C., Whipple, K., & Koestler, C. (2020). LGBTQQ+ Responsive Mathematics Teacher
Education: Comparing Experiences Across Contexts. Presentation at the 2020 Association
of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Phoenix, AZ: AMTE.
Koestler, C., Whipple, K., & Dubbs, C. (2019). Using Vignettes to Prepare Mathematics
Teachers to Advocate for LGBTQQ+ Students, Families, and Colleagues. Presentation
at the 2019 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. Orlando, FL:
Tunstall, L., Dubbs, C., & Osibodu, O. (2018). Possibilities for symbolic power in
mathematics: Necessitating a critical awareness of dehumanizing quantification. Presentation
at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New York,
Crespo, S., Bieda, K., & Dubbs, C. (2018). Developing a Reading Habit: Preparing for
and Contributing to a Research Community. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 7(1), 3-7.
doi: 10.5951/mathteaceduc.7.1.0003
Koestler, C., Whipple, K., Dubbs, C., & Jacobs, J. (2018). Mathematics teacher educators’
responsibilities and roles in advocating for LGBTQQ+ students, teachers, and university
colleagues. Workshop offered at the 2018 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
Conference. Houston, TX: AMTE.
Crespo, S., Martínez, J. M., Dubbs, C., & Bieda, K. (2017). Too Little, Too Much,
Just Right!—Articulating Shared Problems in the Practice of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
Mathematics Teacher Educator, 6(1), 3-8. doi:10.5951/mathteaceduc.6.1.0003
Dubbs, C. (2016). A Queer Turn in Mathematics Education Research: Centering the Experience
of Marginalized Queer Students. In Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the North-American
Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA).
Tucson, AZ: PME-NA.

- Name
- Vaska Smith
- Title
- Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., 1980, Plovdiv University
M.S., 1992, Plovdiv University
- vsmith@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3972
- Campus Address
- SciTech 220

- Name
- Elizabeth Behrend
- Title
- Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S.E., 2010, UW-Whitewater
B.A., 2013, UW-Whitewater
M.S., 2016, Lehigh University
- ebehrend@esu.edu
- Phone
- (570) 422-3447
- Campus Address
- SciTech 120
I have been teaching general math and statistics at ESU since 2016. The courses I teach are M090, M100, M105, M110, M130, and M205.
Contact Us
Contact Information
- Campus Address
- Science & Technology 118
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3447
- Fax:
- (570) 422-3899 (Fax)
- Title of Department Leader
- Department Chair
- Name
- Olivia Carducci
- E:
- ocarducci@esu.edu
- Phone:
- (570) 422-3444