As a continuing student, you may be wondering, "How does the new General Education Program affect me?" Most likely, the answer to this question is that it doesn't. For the vast majority of continuing students, it will be easiest to simply continue with the same General Education Program requirements that you have been using. Continuing students are not required to satisfy the requirements of the New General Education Program.

"So what is all of this GN business? Do GN courses count for me?" They do! Courses marked GE continue to count for the old General Education Program, and those marked GN count as well! If you need a refresher regarding the requirements of the old General Education Program, see the links below.

We should point out that continuing students do have the option of using the New General Education Program if they wish. Specifically, any student that has at least one GE credit that was earned by taking a course at ESU prior to the start of the fall 2016 semester may choose which General Education Program they wish to operate under. If you do nothing, you will continue to operate under the old General Education Program. If you feel that you may benefit by switching to the New General Education Program, however, you are encouraged to speak with your Academic Advisor to discuss the pros and cons of such a switch.

Contact Us

Please contact the chair Jan Selving with any additional questions about General Education.

Contact Information

Campus Address
Stroud Hall 309 F
Title of Department Leader
GE Committee Chair
Jan Selving
(570) 422-3992